Africa Entrepreneurship Events Fintech Startup

And The Winner of MEST Africa Challenge 2018 Is…Accounteer👏👏👏

Accounteer has been declared the winner of the MEST Africa Challenge 2018 taking home the grand prize of US$50,000 equity investment.

Entrepreneurship Fintech Interview Startup

‘Accounteer Originated From Two of My Passions’-Accounteer CEO

When it comes to starting up a business in Africa especially Nigeria, many entrepreneurs are sceptical and are most likely

Entrepreneurship Interview Startup

“The Secret to Running a Startup is to Never Give Up”- Tozzaplus CEO

Tozzaplus was recently named among the startups that will receive the Pangea Accelerator funding. The startup was shortlisted alongside Onesha and

Accelerator Funding Innovation Hub Opinion Startup Venture Capital

Tech Innovation: Africa Becoming A Player In The Digital Revolution

Google Africa concluded an intensive three-month Launchpad Accelerator Africa programme last week Friday. This was the first cohort of the

Africa Entrepreneurship Startup

Meet The 12 Startups That Just Graduated From The First Google #LaunchpadAfrica

Google revealed the startups that will participate in the first Google Launchpad Accelerator Africa class. In all. The search giant announced the first