Facebook has over a billion users worldwide. As such, the social media platform led by Mark Zuckerberg is utilized by the good, the bad, and the ugly.

To ensure that certain accounts are unique, confirm the personality behind popular accounts and prevent fraud Facebook like other social media platforms adds the verification badge. This is done after due diligence.

If you have been wondering how to get the Facebook verification badge or you want to actually apply for your badge, we share what you need to know.


To be considered for a blue verified badge, Facebook Pages and profiles must adhere to the Terms of Service and Community Standards, as well as have a profile photo, cover photo and a Page name that follows its guidelines.

1. Authentic

Your account must represent a real person, registered business or entity.

2. Complete

Your account must be public and have a bio, profile picture and at least one post. Your profile can’t contain “add me” links to other social media services.

3. Unique

Your account must be the unique presence of the entity it represents. Generally, one account per entity may be verified, with exceptions for language-specific accounts. Accounts won’t be verified if it focused on general interest (e.g. puppy memes).

4. Notable

Your account must represent a well-known, highly searched for individual, brand or entity. Facebook reviews accounts that are featured in multiple news sources. We don’t consider paid or promotional content as sources for review.

Request Validation:

If your account represents a person, you’ll need a copy of your official government-issued photo identification (e.g. passport, driving licence, national identification card) to validate your request.

If your account represents an organisation, you’ll need a copy of a phone or utility bill, a certificate of formation, articles of incorporation or tax exemption documents.

Also include a few sentences explaining why the account should receive the verified badge, and relevant URLs that help illustrate the account’s notability.

If you provide false or misleading information during the verification process, we will remove your verified badge and may take additional action to delete your account.

Click here to apply for Facebook verification badge if you are eligible.

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